from my perspective
St. Paul Lutheran Church
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"Two are better than one," says Ecclesiastes, 
"because if one falls down, his friend can help him up." 

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. However, in this time of restricted visitation call me and I will attempt to contact them.

Please, assume that if you don’t tell us, we do not know. 
Call me at 301-4956 if surgery or hospital stay is imminent or if a visit could be helpful. 

Pastor Dennis
from my perspective…

    Breaking News, or Headline News, is updated by the hour and minute. The programs are designed to get our attention and to sell advertising. (Big surprise!) On the other hand, the Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed and is proclaimed today for an entirely different purpose.

    Mark begins his gospel with “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mk 1:1, ESV) It sounds like Mark is reporting, “Breaking news! Pay attention! Something important has happened!” 

    Matthew begins his gospel, “The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.” (Mt. 1:1) It sounds like Matthew is introducing a history lesson whereby we might learn something. Don’t get me wrong – I love history because I believe with George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

    John begins his gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” (Jn. 1:1) This is something totally different. John invites us to lay aside our daily concerns and ponder life’s Big Questions concerning God and “The Word of God.” 

    Each year, we might take a measure of our life on Tax Day, an anniversary, or any number of other milestones. Regardless of the circumstances, we go through a process of reflection, evaluation, and decision-making. We might reflect on the Big Questions of Life, like “Who are we? And “How do I fit in with family and society?” or “What positive difference am I making?” 

    I will grant that the most common daily question is, “Am I happy.” But I believe the Bible teaches us that happiness results from how we think of ourselves and our relationship with others. Therefore, John invites us to ponder anew our relationship with the One God of the Holy Scriptures, as opposed to mental or emotional gods of pleasure, wealth or self-importance. 
In the church year, Lent is the season that encourages us to ponder our relationship with the one and only eternal God and one another or who we desire to become. 

    Join us as we explore Jesus’ great encounters with religious rulers, a disrespected woman from a disrespected people and His disciples. In John, Jesus, the Word of God, invites people to question who we are in God’s eyes and who He desires us to become to live a fulfilling life. (e.g. John 10:10)
As John informs us, Jesus, the true Word of God, comes into the world to save us from ourselves and the destructive temptations brought on by the evil lies of the great Satan. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:17, ESV) 

Please join us in our encounter with the Living Word of God, your pastor, Dennis.

from my perspective

Three parts of God's plan to redeem sinners

by Pastor Dennis on 09/09/15

             Jesus walks, heals and teaches in gentile lands. Caesarea Philippi was named for the Roman Emperor, who proclaimed himself to be god and the Governor of the province, the son of King Herod. Turning his face south where Jerusalem laid over the horizon Jesus teaches three things:

1.      He is the Son of God, the Messiah who was sent to save the whole world.

2.      He must pay the debt of sin for all those who He would save.

3.      Those who are called to lay down their sin and follow Him.


Let us pray: Lord Jesus, may we ever have ears to hear Your Word of Grace and Mercy even when it offends our pride. In all our troubles, may we come to You; knee down and humbly lay down all our cares and concerns; at Your feet; knowing that you will take them up and give us Your forgiveness so that we may serve one another in Your name. Amen


Next Sunday: The Measure of Faith: Walking with the lord alone. Jesus suffered and died so that those who believe might receive forgiveness of sin before God. All who believe, trust and rely on God’s act of redemption through Christ will be reckoned as righteous before God and adopted into the kingdom of God, eternal. Therefore, the ‘saved’ walk with Jesus alone.

Monday: Romans 1:16-17 The righteousness of God revealed by faith alone

Tuesday: Romans 3:21-26  The righteousness of God through faith.(cont.)

Wednesday: Romans 4:13-1 The faith of Abraham

Thursday: Ephesians 2:1-9 Saved by God’s Grace Alone

Friday: Ephesians 4:1-7 Walking in a manner worthy of Christ alone.

Saturday: Share what God has revealed to you with a friend.

Sunday: Come to worship the Son of God, whose Word is a lamp to our feet in a darkened and confusing world and bring a friend.

Jesus heals the ear to hear and mouth to speak in the land of Decapolis

by Pastor Dennis on 09/09/15

            Jesus walks about outside of the land of God’s chosen people; Israel. Along the way he encountered a Greek speaking, Syrophoenician woman who begs that He heal her daughter of a demon. Now in Decapolis, a Greek settlement east of the Jordan River, a man is brought to Him.

Because the man cannot hear, his speech is impaired. Jesus has compassion not only because the man suffers but because he cannot hear the Good News of forgiveness and salvation, which we call the Gospel (see Rm. 10.17) but the man is hindered giving this Word of comfort to others who are suffering with hears that do not hear.  (Mark 4.10-20)


Let us pray: Lord Jesus, may we ever have ears to hear Your Word of Grace and Mercy. In all our troubles, may we come to You; knee down and humbly lay down all our cares and concerns; at Your feet; knowing that you will take them up and give us Your forgiveness so that we may serve one another in Your name. Amen


Next Sunday: The Measure of Faith: Forgiving as we have been Forgiven.  Divine forgiveness is the pardoning act of God releasing sinners from the penalty of sin and restoring a meaningful relationship.  Likewise, the forgiven / pardoned are commanded to extend God’s mercy to their neighbor.


Monday: Mark 4:1-10 Jesus teaches in parables…

Tuesday: Mark 2:1-12 Jesus heals the paralytic.

 Wednesday: Mark 11.22-25 Forgive so your Father may forgive

Thursday: Matthew 18:23-35 forgive from your heart.

Friday: Mark 14:22-26 This is my body…my blood…

Saturday: Share what God has revealed to you with a friend.

Sunday: Come to worship the Son of God, whose Word is a lamp to our feet in a darkened and confusing world and bring a friend.


Human reason - God's Command

by Pastor Dennis on 08/13/15


Mark 7:1-13  Human reason – God’s command.

            The Pharisaical Rabbi’s and Scribes (lawyers) came from Jerusalem to Galilee to test Jesus. Jesus, of course, sees their hearts and brings to light a practice that is destructive to the community; the use of God’s Law to circumvent of the support of elderly parents. Some people claimed they could not support their parents because they made a vow of offering (Corban) to God.  The vow could not be rescinded (Number 30.2) but there was no regulation as to when or how it had to be paid. The Scribes approved this practice in order to fill the treasury ignoring God’s call through the Prophets to not use His Law to rob the poor, widows and orphans. (see i.e. Amos 5:11-15)


Let us pray: Lord Jesus, speak to us, inspire our hearts to hear Your Word. You have given us the gift of family and community. May we ever be responsible to provide for them as your have provided for us. Amen


Next Sunday: Jesus says, “What comes out of a person’s mouth is what defiles him.” (Mk. 7.20)  So much of the adversary’s words are designed to pollute and lead the human spirit away from Christ. How much harm is done when we allow polluted words to come out of our own mouth?

Monday: Matthew 12.33-37 For out of the heart the mouth speaks.

Tuesday: Matthew 15.18-19 The thoughts of an evil heart

Wednesday: Galatians 5.16-26 Walk in the Spirit.

Thursday: Matthew 5:21-26 Make peace with the brethren

Friday: John 7.37-39 Out of the faithful heart will flow living water.

Saturday: Share what God has revealed to you with a friend.

Sunday: Come to worship the Son of God, whose Word is a lamp to our feet in a darkened world and bring a friend.

God’s instruction and the human wisdom.

by Pastor Dennis on 08/13/15

Mark 7:1-8 God’s instruction and the human wisdom.

            The Pharisaical Rabbi’s and religious lawyers come all the way to Galilee to see if this Jesus is playing by their rules. They hit upon an offense and test Jesus with their questions. Ironically, they are judging whether or not Jesus and his disciples are living a life according to the law of Moses and thereby are  worthy of being leaders in the church; “elders.” Elders had a ritual for cleaning their before eating holy offerings in the Temple.  This practice is not required in everyday living or by lay people.

            Jesus of course, sees through their veiled logic and brings to light a practice that is far more destructive to the community; the circumventing of supporting elderly parents. Some people claimed they could not support their parents because they gave that money to God (the church) who was greater than their parents and the rabbis approved this practice. I am sure you can see this is against God’s torah in so many ways.


Let us pray: Lord Jesus, speak to us, inspire our hearts to hear Your Word. Bring us closer to You so that everything we do and say honors You and reveals Your grace. Place faith in our hearts to trust in You to provide for all our needs. Amen


Next Sunday we will explore the popular unspoken notion that God will leave evil unnoticed; even if it is committed by those who profess to be His children.

Monday: John 12:44-50.  Judgment on the last day

Tuesday: Luke 11:24-26. Why it is hard to keep the LORD’s commandments.

Wednesday: Revelation 22.12-15. The final Word of Jesus.

Thursday: John 14:18-21 Whoever loves Jesus keeps Jesus’ commandments.

Friday: Mark 12:28-34. The two greatest Commandments of God.

Saturday: Share what God has revealed to you with a friend.

Sunday: Come to worship the Son of God, whose Word is a lamp to our feet in a darkened world and bring a friend.

Take heart

by Pastor Dennis on 07/23/15

Mark 6: 45-52 “Take heart…do not be afraid.”

Jesus says to a severely paralyzed man, (Mt. 9.2) “Take heart, my son, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus says to the woman sick for twelve years, (Mt. 9.22) “Take heart, daughter, your faith has made you well.” Jesus says to the exhausted men struggling against the wind all night. “Take heart,... do not be afraid.”

In each case there is a season of struggle and, we might imagine, desperate prayers for relief, salvation. Then Jesus appears and says “take heart,” like a parent comforting a child, “I am here. All will be well. Be strong and courageous.”


Let us pray: Jesus you come to us when we are afraid and tired and desperate for You. Speak to us and inspire our hearts to be courageous; confident because you are near. You will put all things right. Amen


Next Sunday we will explore Jesus’ description of the Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Mark.


Monday: Mark 1:15-20. The Kingdom has “fishers of men…”

Tuesday: Mark 4:11-20.The Kingdom is like a field sowed with seeds.

Wednesday: Mark 9:1-8. The Kingdom is in Heaven and Earth.

Thursday: Mark 10:13-16. The Kingdom is filled with people who are like ‘children’

Friday: Mark 12:28-34. The Kingdom knows the commandments of God

Saturday: Share what God has revealed to you with a friend.

Sunday: Come to worship the Son of God, who has the power to do the impossible and bring a friend.