from my perspective
St. Paul Lutheran Church
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"Two are better than one," says Ecclesiastes, 
"because if one falls down, his friend can help him up." 

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. However, in this time of restricted visitation call me and I will attempt to contact them.

Please, assume that if you don’t tell us, we do not know. 
Call me at 301-4956 if surgery or hospital stay is imminent or if a visit could be helpful. 

Pastor Dennis
from my perspective…

    Breaking News, or Headline News, is updated by the hour and minute. The programs are designed to get our attention and to sell advertising. (Big surprise!) On the other hand, the Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed and is proclaimed today for an entirely different purpose.

    Mark begins his gospel with “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mk 1:1, ESV) It sounds like Mark is reporting, “Breaking news! Pay attention! Something important has happened!” 

    Matthew begins his gospel, “The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.” (Mt. 1:1) It sounds like Matthew is introducing a history lesson whereby we might learn something. Don’t get me wrong – I love history because I believe with George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

    John begins his gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” (Jn. 1:1) This is something totally different. John invites us to lay aside our daily concerns and ponder life’s Big Questions concerning God and “The Word of God.” 

    Each year, we might take a measure of our life on Tax Day, an anniversary, or any number of other milestones. Regardless of the circumstances, we go through a process of reflection, evaluation, and decision-making. We might reflect on the Big Questions of Life, like “Who are we? And “How do I fit in with family and society?” or “What positive difference am I making?” 

    I will grant that the most common daily question is, “Am I happy.” But I believe the Bible teaches us that happiness results from how we think of ourselves and our relationship with others. Therefore, John invites us to ponder anew our relationship with the One God of the Holy Scriptures, as opposed to mental or emotional gods of pleasure, wealth or self-importance. 
In the church year, Lent is the season that encourages us to ponder our relationship with the one and only eternal God and one another or who we desire to become. 

    Join us as we explore Jesus’ great encounters with religious rulers, a disrespected woman from a disrespected people and His disciples. In John, Jesus, the Word of God, invites people to question who we are in God’s eyes and who He desires us to become to live a fulfilling life. (e.g. John 10:10)
As John informs us, Jesus, the true Word of God, comes into the world to save us from ourselves and the destructive temptations brought on by the evil lies of the great Satan. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:17, ESV) 

Please join us in our encounter with the Living Word of God, your pastor, Dennis.

from my perspective

Is the church essential or non-essential?

by Pastor Dennis on 08/31/20

There was talk last spring about essential and non-essential sectors of society. Some thought, and I would agree that the church should have been included in that list and were concerned when it wasn’t.

This is a wake-up call for the church. Since the 1960’s the church membership has declined. Many blame the secularists for moving the church out of the public sphere. But the responsibility for church decline in not the responsibility of those who oppose the church but the indifference of church members to live out Jesus command to And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15, ESV) 

In the public sphere, the church is only as essential as the community says it is.  If the church has become a club that serves only its members, we can’t people for underestimating its value.

Therefore, let us wake up, turn away from the lies and deception of the devil that everything is ok as long as we attend church and embrace God’s plan and purpose for our church in the community in this present age.

Return to Worship

by Pastor Dennis on 05/06/20

A Return to Worship plan has been approved for the weekend of May 9 & 10th.

 Overall, by God’s grace, we are fortunate to have no active cases in Oliver and Mercer county, but that should not lull us into a false sense of security. The wolf is out there and we must take precautions for the protection of others.

First precaution: If anyone is coughing or running a fever for any reason, please stay home and worship on YouTube or the website.

 In May there will be two services a week.

  • Those who are at a higher risk if they catch the disease are invited to come and worship on Saturday at 11:30.
  • Saturday’s service will be recorded and posted on YouTube
  • The Sunday service at 10:30 will be for those in the lower risk category.

 We are asking you to bring a mask and wear it to decrease the possibility of infecting others when entering and leaving the church, whenever you are in a close conversation with someone else outside of those you live with and during singing.

 Physical distance will be practiced and overseen by the ushers. Every other pew will have the cushion removed. Ushers will seat worshipers to limit exposure. Families may sit with each other. Others will be asked to practice physical distancing.

 Hymnals, bibles, pencils and paper will be removed from the pews.

 Communion: Familial groups can come to the rail if they are comfortable doing so. Individual prepackaged elements will be distributed by the ushers to those who wish to remain in the pews.

 Announcements, scripture readings and/or weekly study will be available.

 A final caution is given. If folks want to visit they should do so outside and to respect physical distancing.

 If things work well, we might offer coffee and cookies for outside fellowship.

 Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and work as we walk through this.

Pr. Dennis


by Pastor Dennis on 03/14/20

This week Pastor, Lee and Dawn Alderin and Charlene Sampson were involved in a North Dakota State Health Department Webinar concerning the CoronaVirus.

You can access current information at and

One message was clear –take time to prepare and don’t panic.  Most of what was suggested is already in place as our response to seasonal flu. i.e. giving the sign of Peace and availability of sanitizer.

Wash hands often with warm water and soap – wash for at least 20 seconds. Sanitize in between – about the time it takes to pray the Lord’s Prayer or confess the Apostle’s Creed.

Stay home when sick.  Exactly what mom always taught.  If you are sick stay home and take care of yourself. You can find past sermons on the website and YouTube.

Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow.  Virus are spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Lastly, avoid close contact with others, who may be sick. (about 6 feet). Therefore, we will avoid shaking hands and give the Sign of Peace until the crises subsides.

We invite you to continue to pray for those around the world who are ill; for those who are experiencing paralyzing fear because of this virus; for all medical workers who are caring for the ill and for researchers trying to find the best treatments in the sure and certain hope that Our Lord is with us and will walk with us through this time of trial. 

Exploring the Gospel of Matthew, Wednesdays, beginning Jan. 8th.

by Pastor Dennis on 12/26/19

 WHY? Jesus came for sinners and if we only look at Matthew’s profession, we fall short of imagining what Jesus saw in him. Matthew was a tax collector. He was condemned by his neighbors as a traitor, one who served himself by fleecing his neighbors. But then a wandering teacher comes who has no status and calls him and for reasons we can only guess at, he rises up a follows the One who came to save the lost and the oppressed, now he serves our Lord.

            Jesus saw something in Matthew’s heart and Matthew saw something in Jesus that changed his life, gave him a life worth living.

            In the Gospel we meet Jesus and through Matthew’s eyes we see the Master, our Savior and find ways to turn away from self-destructive lives to lives that are filled with good purpose and satisfaction.

Choosing a commentary or study is a personal choice. Therefore, instead of everyone following one author’s perspective, please take a look at the six offerings below and chose one to your liking. The prices are approximate from Amazon.

Matthew: The Coming of the King. John MacArthur (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2007) $9.78

            “The MacArthur Bible Studies includes extensive commentary, observations and truths for today, and probing questions to help your study the Word of God.”

Matthew: Being Discipled by Jesus. Stephen D. Eyre and Jacalyn Eyre (InterVarsity Press, 2000) Life Guide Bible Studies. $8.99

            “In Matthew we learn how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and how to disciple others.”

Three Months With Matthew. Justo L. González (Abingdon Press, 2002) $11.99

            “This book is an invitation to study and to adventure.” “There are many good methods for the study of Scripture. The one we shall follow consists of three fundamental steps: See, Judge and Act.”

Matthew: Steve Halliday. Karen Lee-Thorp, Ed. (NavPress 1997) The LifeChange Series $10.63

“A Life-changing Encounter with God’s Word. Walk through Jesus’ most famous teaching and learn what it means to live with Him now, so you can live with Him forever.”

The Gospel of Matthew. Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2007) Life Lessons series. $9.99

            “What is the purpose of the Bible? To proclaim God’s plan of Salvation, to save His children. God’s highest passion is to get his children home.”

The Gospel of Matthew. William Barclay (The Westminster Press, 1975) The Daily Study Bible Series $14.98 for Vol. 1 of two volumes. 

            “The Daily Study Bible series seeks to convey the results of scholarship to the ordinary reader.”


Happy Christmas

by Pastor Dennis on 12/16/19

from my perspective…

A tiny baby lies in the manger with outstretched arms. The parents, Joseph and Mary, who rejoice in birth of a son, look deeply into his eyes. Angels, proclaiming the good news of God have filled the silent night. The shepherds hear the good news, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11 ESV) The Shepherds seek the child and they find him.

Joseph must have been gratified to hear the shepherd’s story, for the angels confirmed the words spoken by Gabriel, in a dream, months before, “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Outside the stable, the dark wind oppression blows and the people of Israel struggle. They blame their leaders, Judean and Roman, for their plight. They are ordinary people with ordinary needs for peace and security and hope. This winter, many are far away from home, forced to travel so they can be counted, so that more taxes can be added to their burden. It is not a peaceful time. Hope is a luxury that few seem to have - for it is hard to trust and believe that God will act. But they pray anyway for God to save them, to deliver them.

They pray for a warrior-king like David, but God has a different plan. Instead of raising armies that kill, steal and destroy, the Savior-king will raise an army of believers who will trust and hope in Him, who will build up one another with this hope in the midst of hardship and oppression. Like a summer shower, the Savior-king creates drops of rain that fall on the righteous and unrighteous alike. They give life until they are a flood of hope and peace that washes away the armies of darkness and despair.

This hope seems unimaginable to those who have bought into the lie, that possessions or power or political solutions will make everything right. God’s plan - God’s truth is that each person who trusts and receives the gentle showers of the light of God, will have the power and spirit of God to lift their own burdens and lighten the burdens of God’s people.

The Christmas story is not a myth to encourage children but holds the very power of God for life. Those, who in child-like faith, receive the hope of Christmas, find healing and peace and hope; they find their burdens lightened and their regrets forgiven, for God’s salvation is at hand.

Many who thought they were unworthy before God; will find they are welcome at the manger. Many, who thought their sins were unforgivable; will find pardon. Many who struggle with shame and guilt; will find their burdens lightened.  They are invited to go out, justified and healed, reborn into a new life with the Lord.

Christmastime is a gift from God. On Christmas Eve families who rarely worship together, hear the story of God’s plan for deliverance and once again it mysteriously it warms their hearts. They have heard the story many times and yet somewhere in the experience, hope blossoms and once again they find hope and purpose for tomorrow.

Please, join us for Christmas and the New Year in church where the light of Christ, the hope and peace and love of God, prevail against the armies of darkness.

Your pastor, Dennis