from my perspective
St. Paul Lutheran Church
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"Two are better than one," says Ecclesiastes, 
"because if one falls down, his friend can help him up." 

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. However, in this time of restricted visitation call me and I will attempt to contact them.

Please, assume that if you don’t tell us, we do not know. 
Call me at 301-4956 if surgery or hospital stay is imminent or if a visit could be helpful. 

Pastor Dennis
from my perspective…

    Breaking News, or Headline News, is updated by the hour and minute. The programs are designed to get our attention and to sell advertising. (Big surprise!) On the other hand, the Good News of Jesus Christ was proclaimed and is proclaimed today for an entirely different purpose.

    Mark begins his gospel with “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” (Mk 1:1, ESV) It sounds like Mark is reporting, “Breaking news! Pay attention! Something important has happened!” 

    Matthew begins his gospel, “The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David.” (Mt. 1:1) It sounds like Matthew is introducing a history lesson whereby we might learn something. Don’t get me wrong – I love history because I believe with George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

    John begins his gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” (Jn. 1:1) This is something totally different. John invites us to lay aside our daily concerns and ponder life’s Big Questions concerning God and “The Word of God.” 

    Each year, we might take a measure of our life on Tax Day, an anniversary, or any number of other milestones. Regardless of the circumstances, we go through a process of reflection, evaluation, and decision-making. We might reflect on the Big Questions of Life, like “Who are we? And “How do I fit in with family and society?” or “What positive difference am I making?” 

    I will grant that the most common daily question is, “Am I happy.” But I believe the Bible teaches us that happiness results from how we think of ourselves and our relationship with others. Therefore, John invites us to ponder anew our relationship with the One God of the Holy Scriptures, as opposed to mental or emotional gods of pleasure, wealth or self-importance. 
In the church year, Lent is the season that encourages us to ponder our relationship with the one and only eternal God and one another or who we desire to become. 

    Join us as we explore Jesus’ great encounters with religious rulers, a disrespected woman from a disrespected people and His disciples. In John, Jesus, the Word of God, invites people to question who we are in God’s eyes and who He desires us to become to live a fulfilling life. (e.g. John 10:10)
As John informs us, Jesus, the true Word of God, comes into the world to save us from ourselves and the destructive temptations brought on by the evil lies of the great Satan. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:17, ESV) 

Please join us in our encounter with the Living Word of God, your pastor, Dennis.

from my perspective

Be merciful as your Father in Heaven is merciful

by Pastor Dennis on 09/10/19

To walk in the image of God is to walk in the mercy of God. However, in a self-centered worldview, mercy is expected but rarely given. And if given it is given because the person touched some part of a compassionate. That heart judge the person worthy of mercy. God on the other hand gives mercy to the undeserving. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

God directs us to live in covenantal relationship with Him and all people that carries a covenantal responsibility. What does it mean, then, to be merciful  as our Father in Heaven is merciful?" (Luke 6.36-38)

I could give you some examples, but it better if you discover God's truth for yourself. If you would like to chat - give me a call.

Luke 6:36-38

by Pastor Dennis on 08/20/19

It is probable that most people just want to be left alone to live their lives. But the Lord calls us to follow Him in virtuous living. The voices of evil judgement and condemnation, have one singular purpose, to kill and destroy. (John 10:10)

Dr. Martin Luther reminds us that “We should fear and love God, and so we should not tell lies about our neighbor, nor betray, slander, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.” (Explanation of the 8th Commandment)

Therefore, let us live virtuously and speak encouragingly and love one another as He loves us. (John 10:10)

Regional Mission Project Lutheran Social Services – Celebrating 100 years:

by Pastor Dennis on 01/30/19

On Sunday, February 24th, St. Paul’s Youth will be hosting a breakfast brunch during fellowship with a free will
offering to Lutheran Social Services and also collecting tangibles for the “Healthy Families” project.
Diapers: Size newborn to 4 (especially newborn)
Baby Wipes
Baby Shampoo, wash and lotion
Baby Blankets: Baby girl, baby boy or gender neutral
Baby clothes, socks, shoes: size newborn – 3T
Burp cloths
Baby towels and washcloths
Gift cards to purchase necessities: Grocery stores, Walmart, Target, gas cards, bus tokens
Family Activities: movie passes, etc.
We respectfully ask for new items as sorting and cleaning used items can become problematic for staff and clients.

Nov. 11-16th The Perfect Prayer

by Pastor Dennis on 11/09/18

Topical Bible explorations are fun and interesting. has an app for your phone, tablet or computer called YouVersion that offers short devotions and Bible readings on various topics.


This week, Nov. 11th-16th, we consider the topic of the Lord’s Prayer – a conversations with Christ. Even though the Lord’s Prayer is memorized the words of Christ hold such power that even non-practicing Christians call upon them in times of trouble. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27, ESV)

Matthew 7:7-11. Ask.

Psalm 23. Believe

Daniel 6:4-10. Be Bold

Philippians 4:4-7. With rejoicing.

Matthew 6:9-13. This Way.

Prayer - conversations with Christ. Nov. 4-10th

by Pastor Dennis on 11/01/18

This week, Nov. 4th-10th.  Topic: Prayer – a conversations with Christ. Just as parents can distinguish heartfelt cries of their children from the cries of children they do not know, so our Heavenly Father hears those he knows. Notice intimate relationship in Jesus’ words, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27, ESV)

Matthew 6:5-8. The wrong way and the effective way of prayer.

 Psalm 130. “With You, O Lord, there is forgiveness” and so we pray as forgiven children.

 Exodus 32:1-14 “These are your Gods, O Israel,…”

 Romans 16:17-20. “Watch out for those with smooth talk deceive the heart.”

 Luke 18:9-14. “Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.”